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The Audi A4 Complete Wiring Diagrams

Sunday, May 15

The diagram we are about to discuss is about the complete version of the Audi A4 Wiring diagrams. Be sure that you have read the whole Audi A4 wiring diagrams will be shown below before attempting on your Audi A4's wiring system. By doing so you will minimize the risk of any unnecessary results of your works.
In this schematic electrical wiring diagram you will see some color codes like: ws = white, sw = black, ro = red, br = brown, gn = green, bl = blue, gr = grey, li = lilac, ge = yellowGround connections, or = orange, rs = pink. 
You will see also some number codes that represents the instrument of the wiring itself. 
And last but not least, hopefully this complete wiring diagrams will ease you on working on your Audi A4's wiring systems. We provide 21 images of the Audi A4 wiring diagrams, choose one that suits to your Audi A4 wiring system problems. Click on the images to enlarge.


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